My go-to Christmas gift + cozy holiday Loungewear
SLIPPERS: UGG | CARDIGAN: free People | PANTS: Honeydew Intimates | TOP: old, similar HERE | THROW: Nordstroms (on sale!) | CANDLES: Diptyque (Baies, Feu de Bois, Opoponax) | MUG: old, similar HERE
Due to my chronic tendency to work as well much and plan ahead as well little, I am the (self-proclaimed) QUEEN of panicked last-minute shopping. let me provide you a bit insight into my annual holiday buying process:
November 26 – December 22: In browse of gift inspiration, I’ll sometimes browse lame on the internet holiday gift guides during lunch breaks, and/or when in desperate requirement of an excuse to not clean my apartment. This generally results in a complete lack of motivation and the whispering of expletives under my breath every time one of these guides offers the ground-breaking tip that I purchase the guy in my life a (*drumroll*) TIE.
December 22, 8:41 PM: I recognize I still haven’t discovered any great gifts, and frantically attempt to order random, terrible things online. The expletives are now growing louder.
December 22, 10:27 PM: After settling on a slew of fairly terrible gifts, I quickly recognize that next-day shipping is no longer available. It’s officially as well late. Expletives are now being hurled at the screen of my laptop with noteworthy volume and vigor.
December 22, 10:29 PM: I phone call customer service and begin fruitless attempts at bribing regrettable customer service agents to assist me. He/she reminds me that he/she does not, in fact, manage UPS shipping capabilities. We exchange pleasantries and hang up. So many expletives.
December 22, 10:38 PM: I begin the age-old argument of whether to fake my own death, or do the truly unthinkable: try to shop in-store (GASP!) the next day. %$*#&*@#*&^%$#!!!!!!
December 23, 10:00 AM: With a mixed drink of emotion that can only be likened to that of somebody walking to stand before a firing squad, I do the Christmas walk of Shame—the act of entering brick-and-mortar stores (apparently these still exist) on December 23rd and/or 24th to browse for gifts because I am a thoughtless, disorganized, failure of a human being. I begin the process of sifting with the hapless dregs still available in store (a.k.a. the products that all of humanity has heretofore rejected), becoming progressively creative with expletives as standard-issue expletives are growing insufficient.
December 25, 8:30 AM: I’m voted out of the family. In true A Christmas Story-style, I weave a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we understand is still hanging in area over Lake Michigan. My mom is in cardiac arrest. when properly defibrillated, she begins calling moms of childhood good friends asking who taught me such language while my siblings heave me out the back door and into a snow bank by the collar of my bathrobe. My siblings then high-five each other while my father, inconsolable, sits by the terminate with his head in his hands.
This year, I’m thrilled to report that after much bribing (and just a smidge of blackmail), I have effectively persuaded my household to re-instate me as a probationary member. As such, I have taken suitable measures to ensure that I do not autumn back into bad habits, and have devised a sure-fire plan of attack to secure appropriate gifts for my nearest and dearest while avoiding the previously mentioned annual ritual of self-destruction.
So here’s strategy numero uno: There is no man, lady or child who doesn’t like slippers. even those who own slippers already are always amped to get a cozy new pair. The Ugg slippers I’m using today are the third pair of Ugg Dakota slippers I’ve bought from Nordstrom. I’m on my third pair not because the slippers are lacking in quality, but because I wear them more than I can admit in composing to you without appearing like a crazy person (making the giant leap that you haven’t wrapped up that already). inspect out more of my cozy slipper suggestions for him and her as follows:
ALSO, slippers are a truly excellent gift because typically, the recipient is moving those puppies on promptly after opening gifts, which means they’re likely going to be lounging in them for the rest of Christmas Day. This provides the gift giver the priceless chance to go to her siblings and say, “Hmm, appears like my gift to mom is a quite big hit since she’s had her slippers on all day. Where’s that cookbook you got her again? Oh still under a stack of rubble next to the Christmas tree? Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll like putting it on a decorative shelf in the kitchen area someday.”
Not that I would ever take the chance to torment my siblings like that. I’m just listing it as a compelling option, in the rate of interest of full disclosure.
If you don’t feel that slippers are rather the right gift to give, there are two other fantastIC, élő megtakarító választások minden olyan last-minute ajándékhoz, amelyek nem tartalmazzák a tanú biztonsági programját:
(1) A Nordstrom fantasztikus választást kínál az interneten történő megrendelésre és a boltba történő felvételre. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a fent említett karácsonyi séta a szánalmat saját otthonának kényelmében és magánéletében lehet elvégezni, csak egy gyors meghajtóra van szükség az interneten beszerzett ajándékok felvételéhez egy-két órával később, amikor egy kedves Nordstrom Az értékesítési partner a piszkos munkát végzett az Ön számára. ZSENI. Csak kattintson a „Vásárlás a boltok vásárlására” gombra a termékek bármely felsorolásának tetején, hogy a regionális Nordstrom -ban azonnal elérhető termékeket szűrje.
(2) E-GIFTING! Vásárolhat egy ajándékot az interneten, és a Nordstrom e -mailben küldi el a részleteket a címzettnek (nézze meg az összes részletet itt). Ennek a választásnak az a kényelme, hogy ajándékkártyát biztosítson, egy adott ajándék személyes érintésével. Ez azt mutatja, hogy valami különlegeset választott ki a címzett számára, de lehetőséget ad számukra, hogy vagy a tényleges terméket elküldi a levélben, vagy dönthetnek úgy, hogy a teljes összegért ajándékkártyát szerezhetnek. Ez kiküszöböli a bosszantó személyes visszatérítést a fogadó számára, ha a méret vagy a stílus nem megfelelő.
Egészségesen az ünnepi vásárlás utolsó őrült napjaira !!
PLIPPPERS: Ugg | Kardigan: Ingyenes emberek | Nadrág: Honeydew Intimates | Top: Régi, hasonló itt | Dobás: Nordstroms (eladó!) | Gyertyák: Diptyque (Baies, Feu de Bois, Opoponax) | Bögre: régi, hasonló itt
Köszönet Nordstromnak és Shopstyle -nak, hogy partneri partnerként működött!